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Roman Trusov
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Leptin: description and norm in the body

Leptin - a hormone whose main function is to regulate the body's energy metabolism, control of hunger and its impact on the human reproductive system. Provided by adipose tissue. Leptin is also called hormone of satiety or appetite control hormone.
Description and norm
Leptin performs various functions. It is involved in the stimulation of the central nervous system, but its main task - to control the metabolism, increase energy consumption and impact on body weight. Also hormone increases insulin secretion, and acts to increase bone density, activates the immune system. What other hormones affect the immune system?
After puberty and puberty hormone number is several times higher in women than in men. This is due to a more pronounced influence of estrogen (female sex hormones) on the synthesis of leptin. Also the amount of hormone in the blood content affects adipose tissue. The normal amount of hormone in the body is determined as follows. Male body: from 2 to 5.6 ng / mL, the female body: from 3.7 to 11.1 ng / mL.
Leptin and food
To increase leptin, add to the diet products containing zinc. This spinach, lamb and beef, seafood, beans, nuts, mushrooms and cocoa. It normalizes the level of food rich in protein: soy, eggs, eggs, beans, cottage cheese, cheese. Note the fatty acid Omega-3 (seafood, fish).
To reduce the levels of the hormone consume more fructose. It inhibits the receptor are responsible for hormone concentration. Natural foods that contain fructose - fruit and vegetables, berries, fruit juice and honey. Increase the amount of carbohydrates (bread, rice, baking) - they reduce insulin levels, which leads to a decrease in leptin concentration.
At higher levels of the hormone leptin occurs excessive penetration of nutrients and elements in the body. Develops stress and depression, chronic renal insufficiency, sleep apnea syndrome (sudden interruption of breathing during sleep), hypothyroidism (reduced thyroid hormones in the body).
Low level indicates insufficient intake of nutrients and minerals. Increases in tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid hormone in the body) and malignancies. May occur with a lack of sleep and during significant physical exertion.
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