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Roman Trusov
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Melatonin: description and norm in the body

Melatonin - the main hormone of the pineal gland, which is located between the two hemispheres of the brain. Epiphysis - visual system department, which is responsible for the endocrine system. The hormone acts as a circadian rhythm regulation.
Description and norm
In addition to the regulation of circadian rhythms and human adaptation to jet lag, a hormone involved in other vital processes of the human body. It slows down aging, ensure the normal operation of the endocrine system, stimulates the protective functions of the immune system and regulates the digestive system. The hormone helps the individual to cope with stress and depression and has a wide influence on the formation of other body hormones.
Normal hormone in the body varies depending on age. The concentration in the newly born children quite insignificant. For 3 years maximum level (about 325 pg / ml at night), then the amount is gradually decreased hormone. Normal values ​​for adults - 10 pg / ml by day and from 70 to 100 pg / L during the night.
Melatonin and food
hormone concentration increases with the consumption of foods that contain proteins and carbohydrates, as well as calcium and vitamin B6. Eat more bananas, tomatoes, carrots, radish, figs. Add in the diet of nuts, raisins and oatmeal. Vitamin B6 include apricots, sunflower seeds and lentils, kidney beans, red bell pepper. The high calcium content - in bean products, milk, cabbage and soybeans.
Reducing melatonin can be, just before sleep drinking coffee, energy or cola-cola - these drinks contain caffeine, which affects the hormone production. Lower concentrations of melatonin may be some medical drugs or high dosages of vitamin B12. Vitamin is found in liver, beef, rabbit meat and fish - mackerel, sardines and sea bass.
Too high a concentration of melatonin in the blood leads to a reduction in the level of sex hormones, resulting in developing sexual dysfunction (fading interest in the opposite sex). Rejection also indicates various mental disorders: schizophrenia, neuroses and manic-depressive states.
Low levels suggest increasing rate of female sex hormones, uterine diseases, as well as uterine bleeding that is not associated with a menstrual period. May develop polycystic ovary syndrome (swelling of body tissues and the appearance of cysts in them).
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