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Roman Trusov
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Preparation of white mushrooms in the winter

Boletus edulis is incredibly rich in proteins and in 2016 is already a record in some parts of the product charges. Especially a lot of high quality white fungus collected in the Altai Territory. What to do and how to store the white fungus, if you put together a lot? Monitoring of prices for mushrooms in St. Petersburg. Useful properties and recipes. So everything is in order.
The main methods of storage porcini mushrooms winter
• The best way to store it frost white fungus. In this version we retain the maximum amount of nutrients, trace elements. To do this you need a good clean up the fungus from dirt, it can be done carefully with a brush or wash in water. Frost may be the same in whole and sliced ​​mushrooms. I recommend just cut white fungus into cubes scalded with boiling water, blanch in other words. Rasfosovat packet portions and freeze. In this embodiment, use this template for the preparation of risotto porcini mushroom or zrazy, it will be the most convenient.
• The second option is to maintain white mushroom - drying. It is particularly convenient to do this if you have a room or a special dryer. Mushrooms are stripped from the dirt, cut into slices and dried at seventy - eighty degrees Celsius. This option is very convenient to use in soups, porridge. Another advantage is the storage. Freezer remains free, it can take other products. For example, berries. It must be remembered that the concentration of flavor in the dried mushrooms is much higher than in the frozen, it is much easier and takes less space.
• You can review and pickling white mushrooms. It is good this way as a ready snack to strong Russian drink. To do this, cut the mushrooms, blanched several times, washed, and then added to the marinade. For the marinade, you can use salt, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar, bay leaf, a mixture of five peppers, garlic.
• Fresh mushrooms longest stored at a temperature of two degrees in a dry place. The most the best conditions of freshness in the area, which is in the new generation of refrigerators.
The use of white mushrooms in the winter
The dried white mushroom contains about 300 kcal. This is a fairly kalloriyny product, as you can see. White mushrooms are rich in vitamins of group B. The largest number of vitamin C and PP, about 160mg. and 70 mg. respectively. In the white mushrooms contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus, these trace elements necessary for our body and help strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. At the same time we should not forget that the white mushrooms are assimilated by our body hard enough. And children under five years are not recommended for use.
Monitoring prices of white mushrooms in the winter
• Dried Boletus edulis varies depending on the variety, the place of collection and quality from 2000 to 5000 rubles per kg.
• Frozen white fungus can be found on the shelves of 200 to 500rubley per kg.
• Pickled white mushrooms can be found within 800rubley per kg.
• The season sales of fresh white mushroom can cost 300rubley per kg.
Recipe sauce of white mushrooms
Onions, garlic, fry until golden brown on refined vegetable oil, add flour, butter. Sauté for five minutes. Add small portions of milk, bring to a sauce consistency, stirring constantly. To salt, pepper, add the chopped blanched frozen porcini mushrooms. Cook over low heat for ten minutes. Excellent suitable for a sauce with buckwheat porridge, chicken.
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