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Roman Trusov
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Cortisol: description and norm in the body

Hormone cortisol (or stress hormone) is synthesized in the adrenal cortex. Adrenal glands - paired endocrine glands, whose main task - to perform critical functions in the body. The hormone is produced during the experience and nervous shock.
Description and norm
The body starts to produce the hormone cortisol in emergency situations and shock during exercise or with a lack of power. The hormone helps the human body to respond more quickly, pushing the search for food during the famine and opens a "second wind" during exercise. In the first few minutes of the action of the hormone increases the attention, but permanent residence in this state provides chronic stress. What hormones in this way affect the body, you can learn here.
The rate of hormone production varies depending on the person's age. The rate of children from one year to 10 years - 28-1049 nmol / L. From 10 to 16 years - 55-690 nmol / l. The rate of adults - 10 milligrams per deciliter. The amount of the hormone in the blood of pregnant women may exceed the norm by several times to worry on that score is not necessary. The highest concentration of hormone in the body in the morning, the lowest - in the evening.
Cortisol and food
To raise the level of the hormone cortisol, consume more foods with a high content of sugar and flour. This is all kinds of candy, dried fruits, cakes, biscuits, sweet cakes. Eat as much fresh fruit (especially citrus) and vegetables and whole grain foods: it is buckwheat, rye, rice, millet, corn.
To lower the cortisol, eat more fatty fish: it is salmon, sea bass, mackerel and sardines. Stay away from drinks with high levels of caffeine and sugary foods. Drink as much as possible not hot strong black tea with mint.
Increasing the amount of hormone in the blood may be due to liver diseases, excessive weight loss, polycystic ovarian severe depression. High levels can also occur during puberty or pregnancy. Also, the hormone increased in AIDS, diabetes, Cushing's syndrome (excess formation of hormones).
The hormone is reduced by a sharp decrease in weight gain, problems with the thyroid gland, in renal failure and disorders in the adrenal cortex. Reduced hormone also causes Addison's disease (an insufficient secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex) and a reduction of basic functions of the pituitary gland. Deviations from the norm can occur when taking different medications.
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