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Roman Trusov
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Molecular cuisine: what it is

Molecular Cuisine. Give a precise definition of what it is, it is difficult. Some cooks perceive it as a particular style of cooking, others consider it a vigorous blend of science and culinary arts. In short, molecular gastronomy has been the transformation of the usual texture and taste of the product in unusual and unexpected.
History of molecular cuisine
It all started with a curious seminar organized by the wife of physicist and a professional chef Elizabeth Thomas. She decided to discuss the topic of introduction of scientific developments in the food preparation processes. Her idea was supported by some scientists to tell home cooks to place the products interesting metamorphosis when exposed to a certain way.
Working methods in molecular kitchen
There are several basic ways of cooking, which uses a cook, a great interest in molecular cuisine.
• Low temperatures
Funds for such an impact on products - a liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Nitrogen helps create cool light texture, mousse or meringue. Dry ice contributes more flavoring dishes and enhance mouthfeel.
• Emulsification
The dishes are prepared in the form of light weightless foam. As a result, there is a taste, a smell is present, and the product itself and the like are not present. Nearly space food, which can make even nuts and meat.
• Gelation and sferefikatsiya
The process consists in the preparation of gels and gel-like spheres from conventional products. For example, red caviar of strawberries or cherries.
• Vacuum technology Sous-vide
Food cooked in a vacuum. The process is long, takes place at a certain temperature and in a water bath. Usually this is preparing meat, fish, poultry, seafood and vegetables.
• Centrifuge
With its help, escaped with not only milk from cream, but also share the usual tomato on unusual ingredients: pasta, juice and foam.
• transglutaminase
Work with products using enzymes, which are called - transglutaminase. These enzymes have the ability to glue muscle tissue. Use more frequently for cooking meat dishes, you can create a steak or in other words to glue pieces of meat from the loin.
• Rotary evaporator
The device allows to change the pressure in the cooking process, which makes it possible to collect and preserve the essential oils. For what? To use them to attach unusual flavors of the foods. For example, to get a herring, smelling oranges.
Molecular cuisine dishes can be cooked at home by yourself. But culinary fantasies created by professional chefs, will be much more effective and tastier. More information on molecular cuisine can be found here register for training can be by number +79062256597
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