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Roman Trusov
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We turn the planet into a garbage dump. Who needs a landfill in Pupyshevo?

Fighting waste in Russia caused the death of hundreds of people and continues to slowly kill thousands. This fact does not surprise, because more often in such matters the main criterion for selection is the immediate benefit or savings, and nobody cares what it portends for the common people. Somehow, firmly established opinion that the removal of solid waste on a specially designated landfill equivalent to destroy them, but that such dumping is becoming a time bomb, authorities prefer modestly silent. And no matter how much is demonstrated sincerity - it does not change the fact that the landfill for decades and even centuries poison the soil, water and local residents. Another victim of the landfill and the greed of those in power were residents of the Volkhov district of Leningrad region - in the vicinity of gardening Pupyshevo, Kuti village and a number of settlements was organized solid waste landfill. How it was legal and who benefits from it? Try to understand. Primarily interested in the reason that prompted the authorities of the Leningrad area to dump the organization in this place, given the fact that a number of live thousands of people engaged in agriculture, and in the summer come here to rest and recuperate tens of thousands of residents of St. Petersburg. Apparently, this whole thing from the beginning lacked a legal basis. Numerous appeals and literally cries for help public authorities meet the weak and the same type - all as one asserting that the area is comfortable and has enough space, and sanitary protection zone observed. However, these will save the notorious 500 (actually - only 300) meters from the fetid scent and the smoke that will envelop the nearest settlements at any time the wind blows? Who is responsible to the people for the hordes of pests and dubious characters who are not averse to profit at the dump? According to the experts, such an arrangement of solid waste landfill in Kuti does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards, moreover, dangerous to human health and life. Aquifer that feeds located here settlements will inevitably be contaminated, and the consequences will be irreversible. Many waste, which is filled with a dump, are highly toxic and can cause soil contamination - for example, the most common penlight batteries able to infect approximately twenty cubic meters of earth salts of heavy metals and chemicals. Moreover, such a dump not protected from the threat of spontaneous combustion, which would entail a serious air pollution toxic smoke. Rotting and decaying organic waste emit explosive biogas, which is the cause of the greenhouse effect and ozone layer of the Earth. And much of the destruction of ecosystems, to restore which then would be almost impossible, and even not worth mentioning. Detrimental effect solid waste landfill in the village of Kuti and agriculture. Rats and other pests migrate from the mountains of garbage directly to farms, waste poisoning the water and the earth - in such conditions to grow good quality product becomes virtually impossible. In addition, the remains of solid waste seeping into water, adversely affect the condition of flora and fauna. Even if the dump is dug, it does not mean that it no longer affects the environment - such territory can no longer be used for construction or agriculture, which means that even in the event of liquidation of the landfill near Pupyshevo further expansion on the site of a former landfill will be impossible. As it turns out, all the speeches of the government that need to raise agriculture, again were actually empty words? Where did people undertake enthusiasm, if all their efforts were literally buried under tons of debris? If this problem is so global, do still not been invented a means to solve it? Of course, it is, and has been successfully used in Western countries. Most of the waste is recycled and used again. This makes sense for several reasons - first, many resources on the planet are severely limited, and secondly, why not reuse the material, instead they pollute the environment? In developed countries, it has been actively involved not only the state but also the population. Suppose the people of Germany, known for their punctuality, approach the problem seriously - Personal colorful trash cans in every home and careful sorting. For example, glass is collected in a separate box, and every two weeks a special machine that removes exclusively glass waste. After all sorted garbage transported to treatment facilities. Old clothes and shoes placed in special containers, and later transferred to all charities. How did you all do this? The answer is simple - the German authorities banned the storage of waste in landfills, so across the country were built complexes, burning garbage and producing electricity. But if someone threw garbage somewhere in a forest or on the side of the road out of town (and we, unfortunately, quite often it happens that the garbage truck "flipped", before reaching the destination in order to save money), it is is considered a crime against the environment. Waste collection and recycling in Europe occupied by the whole industry, and precise regulation of the requirements for garbage sites, warehousing, transportation and classification allows to eliminate corruption moments in this process. Japan is the most developed country in terms of technology, is also not far behind - recycled garbage is for the construction of coastal fortifications and even homes. Are people in our country do not want to sort the trash? Of course, this is not so. According to opinion polls about 70% of Russian citizens are willing to sort waste, if they are confident that their efforts will help save the environment, but we still used a second time, only 2% of the total amount of garbage. Yes, even if not equal to the west, you can not go far - a couple of years ago, domestic engineering center "Itlan" has developed a unique technology for processing waste. When using it, do not stand out toxins, and the work itself, such a processing plant capable of providing electricity to a huge number of people. With such a performance to pay off for 4 years. However, no action for the construction of at least one of the plant have not been undertaken, although this development is interested private companies and government organizations. So why are we not moving in the direction of innovation and continue to turn a blind eye on the garbage problem, preferring to use the methods of the last century? The real reason more often than not called - it is that for some individuals dump - present bonanza. For them - "Junk King" - waste landfill in Pupyshevo becomes a source of huge profits. Of course, their names no names, but if you compare similar situations occurring throughout Russia and dig a little deeper, it turns out that the land allocated for the dump, no one owned or bought for a penny, but definitely dump someone runs. Money allocated by the government of the Russian Federation on the proper organization of polygons and equipping them with modern methods of disposal for mitigating smoothly settle in other people's pockets. Kickbacks, bribes, Registry for the construction of roads, etc. And settle permanently - landfills are located as close as possible to human settlements, to reduce transport costs and infostrukturnye that in the reporting raised artificially. That's why officials and dismiss importunate appeals and protests from residents - part of such proceeds is not very desirable. Even the most optimistic assumptions about the consequences of the organization of this dump horrified - decline in land prices, the decline of agriculture and tourism, poor health, unemployment. Reflections on the overall outcome suggests scenes of post-apocalyptic books and movies, and not the most romantic - angry, exhausted by the lack of health and hopelessness of life people had joined the Army the next "Lord of the Midden" roaming the junkyard in search of copper wire and bottles. Until then, until the problem is resolved landfills until every citizen can not be sure that tomorrow under his windows did not begin to bring tens of thousands of tons of garbage that our society can not be called civilized. According to some reports, this business is the second of return after use. Money our wonderful governors do to "flat spot", thus ignoring the wishes of our esteemed president. I, in contrast to the desperate people who are ready for the most extreme steps - no cottages in this place. But it does not give reason to remain indifferent! Friends - thousands of people against such landfills. Join. Say "NO" to an environmental disaster and official corruption.
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