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Roman Trusov
russian english

Provides workers with the opportunity to open up

Coming to a new job, the last thing we want to be a human function, and certainly no desire to burn the rest of his days to do the same thing (even very good). Moving up and down it, you know, motivates and robust design makes the step up all its internal reserves. And, on the contrary, give a person stagnate, plunge into a routine - and it will lose all hope of a professional evolution, and with it - a stimulus for further development.
On thee as the boss, the lay mission may not be universal scale, but just important for your team and reputation - you just have to know the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, at the right time to give them the opportunity for further growth. In this case, you will come in handy the following rule:
Give the employee an opportunity to unleash your creativity, then he will be grateful to you.
Let us examine each of the parties to this rule that you were entirely clear where and how to apply it and what it gives.
First of all, the development and the creative potential of each of the members of your team gives you the opportunity to surround yourself with versatile professionals. Find people that you will be sure to a hundred percent, not easy, but "blind" from the ground up - a task that obviously you can do. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of their subordinates, you can effectively allocate human resources, making the workflow in the kitchen more productive on the order. Just try at least a little interested in what like your employees what they do best and what they want to learn, and you are surprised to discover a few years later, that work has become stunningly well-coordinated, and you are surrounded by happy, grateful people who exactly like their job.
A major role in this moment is playing and the social factor. Give the employee feel that you are interested in its development, and it also begins to try to do their jobs better, become better in their business and in every way to show that you are not mistaken there. Also, I think you can guess who he will remember a kind word, when from a small, inexperienced newbie become a valuable employee or even a respectable boss. This means that you get a PR pros to the reputation and karma, and mutual assistance - the people always do not mind to help those who once helped them.
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