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Roman Trusov
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Do I need to advertise the chef?

It is no secret that the professionalism of the chefs determine the fate of the institution. His skills and knowledge directly determine how successful the project will be, because on his shoulders lay down tasks such as control and organization of personnel, preparation of menus, selection of products and their reception. However, this list of responsibilities is not limited to - the chef often plays a key role in promoting the restaurant, because it is he has to talk to the press and visitors. So good and even brilliant chef is able at times to increase the popularity of the restaurant. Despite all the above arguments pros professional chef, I'm staying true to his convictions that no matter how good the expert may have been a chef, without a name and reputation in the half of his skills just do not make sense. Of course, young and developing the project can not afford to invite into the ranks of the employees of a famous chef, but this problem is solved. Quite often, in restaurants chef appointed by improving internal special talent - this is due to several factors, in particular the fact that a worker is much faster adapts to his new position because he knows all the nuances of the institution. In any case, no matter who was admitted to the role of chef, restaurant management for the further success of the project should focus on advertising chef. I would like to mention the fact that quite often the role of copyright in the promotion of the restaurant menu is strongly underestimated. According to statistics and social surveys, the customers most of their attention is concentrated on the menu, and after paying his view of the service, interior and atmosphere. What I mean - without the presence of creative dishes is simply impossible to become famous investment in advertising the restaurant. The presence of the author's menu will allow it to stand out against the background of other institution, but it is worth remembering that the signature dishes have to be unique, that is like not to be on the market. If your institution will be served dishes that you can not try anywhere else - believe me, it will be a real draw for regular customers. Of course, the notion of the author's menu is somewhat ambiguous - cooking has been around for centuries, and is extremely difficult to come up with something new. But even a special combination of ingredients in the already known dish can make it copyrighted, and subsequently these are the dishes are original card as places, and of the chef. So what are the advantages of advertising chef? I think everything is very clear - the famous, even in narrow circles, the chef is able to become a local center of your institution to raise its level and play a significant role in promoting. Chef - a creative profession, such people are always eager to educate themselves and improve their skills. When advertising chef to properly position the role of the chef, that is to allocate it as a key figure, to ensure that the name of your institution associated with the name of your chef. Need to try to achieve this effect, where people come not only to you but also to your chef to taste his culinary masterpieces and after recommend it to their friends as a true gastronomic genius. Participation in international competitions also have a positive impact on the reputation of the chef.
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