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Recipes of molecular gastronomy and restaurants

Molecular cuisine is a modern trend in the development of traditional cooking, which has brought the process of cooking to a technologically new level. Creating original dishes now depends entirely on knowledge of the physical and chemical processes that occur during cooking. A chef engaged in molecular cooking must become a scientist and learn how to manage the amazing transformations of ingredients, create original combinations of products to produce completely unusual dishes.
The tools used for cooking are far from traditional. In the molecular kitchen, there is no place for an abundance of pots and pans, there are used convection stoves, installations for creating a vacuum, siphons for converting products into foam, generators, lasers, and many other unusual attributes. The chef often uses liquid nitrogen, inert gases, gelling agents and emulsifiers to create his masterpieces. All products are absolutely natural and do not have any harmful effects, which is also an undeniable advantage of the molecular direction. Moreover, thanks to special processing technologies, vegetables and fruits do not lose vitamins and remain as useful. You can read about the training here
Molecular cuisine breaks traditional stereotypes and breaks existing patterns. The main purpose of this direction in cooking is not to feed, but to delight and influence the senses and emotions. As the first dish, which marked the beginning of this original direction, a mousse made of caviar and white chocolate was prepared. After some time, the technique of combining incongruous products has become almost the most popular in molecular cuisine, and spaghetti made of oranges or ice cream with mustard does not seem so amazing. 
The preparation of most recipes requires strict adherence to rules and technologies and can last for several hours or even days. However, the new kitchen is not so inaccessible, some dishes are easy to prepare even at home. Any woman is able with his experience to make sure the magical properties of foods that have undergone processing of molecular technologies. 
Despite its relatively recent appearance, molecular cuisine has already gained huge popularity all over the world due to the unusual combinations, shapes and tastes of the dishes it offers. 
Classic and original recipes of molecular cuisine
Molecular gastronomy offers absolutely fantastic on the taste and appearance of dishes. The task of the chef is not to feed, but to impress or even pleasantly stun the guest. Competent use of knowledge about all the chemical and physical properties of products allows you to create the most interesting and useful dishes with perfect taste.
The possibilities of molecular cooking are endless, and even a few amazing dishes can demonstrate them:
1. Spaghetti from tomato soup. The use of gelling elements, including agar, significantly expanded the list of recipes. An ordinary soup can be turned into spaghetti, the secret of which is revealed at the first tasting.
2. Raspberry caviar served with strawberry foam. This interpretation of the popular dessert can be called a classic of molecular cuisine. Eggs are created from raspberry juice using spherification technology, and as a result of the espumization process, a surprisingly airy foam is obtained from almost any product. 
3. Liquid bread. This dish in the form of a creamy substance has already become familiar in molecular restaurants and has a bright aftertaste of rye bread with butter. 
4. Eggs and bacon for Breakfast. Despite the usual appearance, this dish is difficult to call familiar, because the ingredients used are vanilla yogurt, chocolate and mango. This dish is sure to appeal to gourmets as a dessert. 
5. Vinaigrette. Molecular cuisine offers a completely new interpretation of the traditional dish. It serves beet jelly, a foamy mixture of vegetables and an emulsion as a dressing. Surprisingly, the dish does not disintegrate and retains its original appearance.
6. Coffee with garlic. This recipe is a popular direction of molecular cooking-foodpairing, when diverse incongruous products are combined in one dish. The chef makes a puree of sweet coffee and baked garlic, then adds gelatin, chocolate and spices to the mix. Nitric oxide provides an air consistency.
7. Olive powder is an example of how molecular cuisine turns a liquid consistency into a solid one. As a result of a simple technological process, olive oil is converted into cream flakes, which are perfectly combined with almost any product. 
Molecular cooking is an art that depends entirely on the knowledge and boundless imagination of the chef.
Components of molecular cuisine and techniques for their use
Molecular cuisine as a new direction in cooking dictates its own laws. Scientific achievements are widely used here to create absolutely fantastic dishes and incredible taste combinations. Despite the high technology of the cooking process, molecular cooking uses only natural ingredients that are widely known and used for decades and centuries. Different processes involve using different products, here are some of them:
1. Algin-extract obtained from brown algae. When this component is added to any liquid with subsequent treatment with calcium, a ball with a sufficiently dense shell is obtained. They are perfect for decorating a dish or can be served as a separate sauce-it all depends on the type of liquid you are looking for.
2. Calcium salt used in conventional cooking when preparing cheeses. Molecular cuisine uses this component due to its good solubility and high calcium content.
3. Gelling agents of different types obtained from sea water are used in the process of making hot or cold jelly. These components have different physical properties and are able to change the texture of the resulting dish, which makes them extremely interesting for chefs. Some gelling additives can withstand high temperatures, which makes it possible to combine hot and cold ingredients in one dish. 
4. Lecithin, sucro and glisse are emulsifiers used to create an air foam from almost any product. 
5. Liquid nitrogen produces instant freezing of any substance. Harmless, odorless, evaporates without traces, so the molecular kitchen uses nitrogen in the cooking process or when serving them to the customer. 
6. Glucose, which is introduced into the product, can change the consistency and elasticity of the resulting mass. Glucose significantly affects the technology of cooking due to its special properties that slow down the crystallization and loss of liquid.   
Despite the apparent complexity of the technological process of cooking, molecular cuisine simply complements and complicates the chemical processes that occur in traditional cooking. All the components used are natural and absolutely harmless, and the finished culinary masterpiece depends entirely on the cooking technology and the imagination of the chef. 
Best restaurants molecular gastronomy
Molecular cuisine as a separate area of cooking has become very popular in recent decades. Today, almost every country in the world has an institution that offers dishes of this cuisine. Famous world publications highlight the top 5 best restaurants of molecular cuisine that are worth a visit:
1. British restaurant "FatDuck". Located in the small town of Bray near London. Chef Heston Blumenthal has earned the unusual nickname "culinary alchemist". Here you will be offered a multi-course lunch that combines completely incompatible products: smoked bacon with ice cream or white chocolate with caviar. The molecular cuisine of this restaurant will also surprise you with the appearance of dishes: you will see red orange and orange beet jelly. 
2. ElBulli restaurant, located in Catalonia, Spain, is owned by the famous chef Ferranuadria. The restaurant is only open to visitors for six months, and the rest of the time Adria and her colleagues are developing new dishes in the laboratory. Due to the complexity of the technological process of cooking, the menu is determined in advance by the cook himself. Adria will offer each visitor its own special dish: the main component, processed with compressed nitrogen oxide and served in the form of foam (mushrooms, meat, vegetables).  
3. Alinea molecular cuisine restaurant in Chicago has become a real discovery in the United States. Chef Grant Ashats managed to attract the attention of Americans to a new direction in cooking thanks to his signature dish: juniper berry jelly, which combines completely different flavors.
4. Iggy's restaurant in Singapore belongs to Ignatius Chan – the most famous sommelier in the state. The small, cozy restaurant offers dishes that masterfully combine European and Asian traditions. Sea eel with Japanese Yuzu citrus, daikon and eggs as a specialty will not leave any visitor indifferent.
5. Juan-Maria Arzak founded a signature restaurant where molecular cuisine has entered a new format – techno-emotional cooking. The menu is updated twice a year, and one of the most popular dishes consists of smoked white tuna combined with fresh figs and pine nuts. 
The interest of gourmets in unusual dishes is so high that in popular restaurants the queue is scheduled for several months or years ahead. Chefs jealously monitor the reputation of their establishments and do not cease to surprise visitors with exquisite novelties.
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