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Roman Trusov
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Inflorescences willow-herb: properties and recipes

Ivan tea - a perennial herb. It is characterized by a thick rhizome, erect stems and dense inflorescences in the form of a brush. Unique plant has many beneficial properties. Its use as a drug as well as use all the known drink - tea.
Beneficial features
The plant contains pectin, ascorbic acid, carotene and other necessary elements of the body. Ivan tea - a good anti-inflammatory agent. The plant helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and it is indispensable for the exchange system diseases and anemia.
Microelements are part of the plants: iron, copper and manganese. They stimulate blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the whole body. Ivan-tea promotes rapid recovery from colds, SARS, but the treatment should be started immediately in the event of the first signs. The plant soothes, relieves stress, emotions, fatigue and has a sedative effect.
Where and when to collect blossoms of willow-herb?
The plant can be found in the forest, swamps and fields. Are collected at the time of flowering: the end of July - beginning of September. It was at this time there is an increased concentration of mineral elements. The main thing - do not miss a moment of the appearance of buds on the stems down to - if it gets into the workpiece, the welding quality is reduced. Collect flowers and buds separately. To prevent damage to the plant, you need to collect leaves, and flowers from moving down the stem - so the upper leaves and blossoms will remain intact.
Drying of inflorescences and leaves of willow-herb
There are several ways of drying plants.
1. Follow the withering, spilling leaves a thin layer and leave them for a day at room temperature. After the mix and make them curl. Place the sheets between the palms of the hands and crumple into small "sausage". The next stage - fermentation. Cover the blank with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for 6-12 hours (the higher the temperature, the faster the process will end). Chop the leaves and put them in the shade to complete the drying.
2. Divide the collection into several parts. By using one part of the juicer squeeze the juice, add it to the second part and press down all the ingredients weight (about 20 kg). After 3 days, complete the process and dry the leaves in the street, in the shadows.
3. The next drying recipe. After fermentation, the leaves lay on a cast-iron frying pan, put on low heat and bring leaves to dryness, occasionally stirring with a wooden stick.
4. Drying inflorescence: flowers lay on a baking sheet, previously laid out his parchment paper. Leave the flowers in the shade or put in the oven at 30 degrees and dry until ready until they acquire a pleasant violet hue.
Remember: the inflorescences and leaves are dried separately. The inflorescences are added already in the finished tea. You can also mix the florets and leaves before brewing, so you get and delicious and healthy beverage. Flowers plants decorate the final product and give the drink a light honey fragrance.
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