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Roman Trusov
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Harm salts: whether it is necessary the body? The rate of use and replacement options

I have often heard the expression "white death". Yes, it is the term dubbed ordinary table salt, without which it can not do almost no one dish. The phrase is so become boring and crashed into the minds of the people that we already do not reflect what actually stands this term, and does not try to analyze it harmful salt really.
In this article, I tried to figure out whether the damage prevails over the use of salt, whether justified salt-free diet and the benefits this can bring a flavor enhancer.
The use of salt. Why salt body
Let's start with the positive points. To deny the fact that our body needs salt, pointless - this additive is one of the main sources of chlorine, sodium and iodine. Complete rejection of salt can lead to unpleasant consequences as follows:
1. The body begins to experience a shortage of chlorine ions, and this - a direct path to the problems of the digestive system, because the production of hydrochloric acid needed to digest food more difficult.
2. Lack of sodium carries metabolic disorders, as well as the impact on the work of the muscles and nervous system.
Diseases associated with a lack of salt:
• Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
• Nervous System;
The daily rate of salt intake
In order to avoid the problems associated with deficient salts, enough of 5 grams of a valuable product in the diet. Of course, this figure is not absolute and often depends on the environment in which man lives.
1. Residents of the Nordic countries, in which most of the diet included a sufficient number of fish and seafood, prepared the basic amount of salt from the local food. In this case, the excessive addition of salt in the food is required. There is also plays a role metabolism, characteristic of northern peoples: from the cold climate fluid intake is lower and therefore the excess salt will not completely leave the body.
2. But for people living in warm countries should add more salt in food: mostly plant foods are consumed, not rich natural salt, and hot climates due to the salt out of the body quickly.
Harm salt
From the moment people first learned about the wonderful properties of salt, its amazing ability to pick out, to enhance the flavor and preserve foods, started a cult of the seasonings. In the Middle Ages salt was extremely expensive and could be used instead of money, and in the 15th century because of the salt even broke the two-year war known as Ferrara.
Now, when the salt is more than is available, it is added to almost all foods. Especially fiercely trying the food industry, generously podsalivaya sauces, canned foods, convenience foods, sausages and so on. And we ourselves, to confess, always keep the salt in a conspicuous place at the earliest opportunity podsalivaya food.
I have always said that everything is fine in moderation, the same statement applies to salt. We, unfortunately, have completely forgotten what a moderate salt intake, and here with what consequences have to face:
• The load on the kidneys. With an excess of salt body in every way trying to get rid of it. The kidneys begin to work with a vengeance, cleansing the blood of excess salt, trying to prevent the settling of the surplus in other organs, but, alas, even they are not coping well.
• Salt prevents fluid excreted from the body. This gives rise to swelling, as well as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke.
Excess weight. Fluid accumulates in adipose tissue by stretching the skin and increasing the overall weight of the body.
• frequent diseases of the eye, including cataracts.
• Salt irritates the stomach, which can cause gastritis, ulcers and even cancer.
• Another terrible consequence of excess salt - calcium deficiency, bone diseases, spinal osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
How to reduce the harm of salt and avoid the consequences
I'm almost sure that after reading this article, you are given a completely fair question - "How to protect yourself from the harmful effect of salt? How to use salt, that there were no unpleasant consequences? Where that is the norm and how to observe it? ". The secret is simple - the whole thing in moderation and reasonable approach to the organization of their own diet. Here are a few recommendations on salt:
• Less than half-finished, and "shop" products. The list includes sausages, cheeses, canned delicacies, fast food, sauces, baked goods. Try as much as possible to prepare yourself - in the bread, dumplings, smoked and canned homemade you can personally control the amount of salt. You can adopt my videos - here I am sharing the secrets of cooking homemade bread, and here - tell how to ferment cabbage.
• Less salt dishes - perhaps the most simple advice. You can gradually accustom themselves to the moderately salted dishes, if you normally used to overdo.
• Diversify range of spices. Herbs, spices, mustard, garlic, horseradish - all this is compensated by the phasing out of the excess salt.
• More potassium. This element will neutralize the negative impact of sodium on the heart and blood vessels. Most of it in the honey, bee bread, apple cider vinegar, nuts, potatoes and beans. Also good for this purpose carrots - for example, a glass of carrot juice is almost completely satisfy the daily human need for potassium.
• More water. This will enable faster time excess salt from the body.
As a result, it can be concluded that salt - this is not always bad, but if you lose on something inspection and do not want to compromise, the negative aspects can not be avoided.
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