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Roman Trusov
russian english

Apple consomme with gold and venison.


Apple consomme 40g.Venison 5g.Gold dust 10mg.Espuma of roses 4g.Red Currant 1g.Mikrozelen
Apple consomme . Fresh apple peeling off in a transparent portion and the precipitate with medical centrifuge. We can assume this recipe molecular cuisine . In the transparent part to add gold dust . Gold dust can be purchased from vendors specializing in confectionery products . At a cocktail straw reel slice jerked venison. The concept of this entree - consomme drank , ate . The tubing acts as a tube , and skewers . On top of the siphon transplant Espuma . He remembered another recipe molecular cuisine .Espuma of damask roses. In 33% of cream to add a couple of drops of essential oil of damask rose , pass it through a siphon the gas N2O. Decorate with currants and mikrozelenyu .
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